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Swan Rangers Hike Peterson Creek Trail!

Mountain maple seeds are already fully formed! (Keith Hammer photos)

Sixteen Swan Rangers hiked the Peterson Creek Trail in advance of forecast thunderstorms on Saturday, June 18, 2016!

Though some huckleberries are already ripe, lots of wildflowers remain in bloom!

Click here for a map of the Peterson Creek Trail.


Group photo: The Rangers pose as bog orchids!


Will the real bog orchid please step forward!


Which of these huckleberries do you think are no longer on the bush?


Honeysuckle flame-thrower!


Mock orange.


Mariposa lily.


Peterson Creek beneath cool cedar trees!


The Swan Rangers meet every Saturday at the Echo Lake Cafe for breakfast at 7:30, leaving at 8:30 for a partial day outing in the northern Swan Mountains and foothills.

They carpool from the Swan River School parking lot next to the Cafe.

When hiking in bear country, remember to carry bear spray and avoid the 3-D's: dawn, dusk, and darkness.

Everyone is welcome!

This article published on June 18, 2016 • [Permalink]