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Swan Rangers Hike Aeneas and Inspiration!

Mt. Aeneas offers goats up close and personal! (Fawn Simensen photo)

Ten Swan Rangers hiked Mt. Aeneas and eight hiked Inspiration Pass on Saturday, July 26, 2014!

Both hikes offered lots of views and wildflowers. Aeneas offered the bonus of mountain goats!

Click here for a map of Jewel Basin Hiking Area, which includes Mt. Aeneas.

Click here for a map of the Napa Lookout (Ridge) Trail, which leads to Alpine Trail #7 and Inspiration Pass.


Mt. Aeneas offers baby mountain goats too! (Fawn Simensen photo)


All boots and smiles bound for Mt. Aeneas! (Passer-by photo)


The Napa Lookout trail runs up Napa Ridge to the Swan Crest . . .  (Roger Benson photo)


. . . to choice hillsides of wildflowers . . . (Judi Liedes photo)


. . . and views of Swan Peak! (Roger Benson photo)


The Swan Rangers meet every Saturday at the Echo Lake Cafe for breakfast at 7:30, leaving at 8:30 for a partial day outing in the northern Swan Mountains and foothills.

They carpool from the Swan River School parking lot next to the Cafe.

When hiking in bear country, remember to carry bear spray and avoid the 3-D's: dawn, dusk, and darkness.

Everyone is welcome!

This article published on July 26, 2014 • [Permalink]