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Swan Rangers Have Weird Week!

Swan Range by Keith Hammer.

Swan Rangers saw owls that rotate their toes, not just their heads, and other strange phenomena during their outings this past week!

Click here or scroll down for the Rangers' photos and details!

In our lead photo, Keith Hammer shows us the Swan Range on a rare sunny day while . . .


. . . Ruth Quist shows us the sometimes thin gap between clouds and earth, as does . . .


. . . Pam Willison!


Chris Gotschalk shows there is some old snow fit to ski after being groomed by machines while . . .


. . . Norma Linsky shows one may need a boat to get there, or to get to the boat ramp for that matter!


Pat Jaquith shows us a Pygmy owl that wants you to think it is still looking at you as it . . .


. . . rotates its head!


Pam Willison shows us the track of a Short-eared owl, which can rotate one of its four toes to the side to better grasp tree limbs (and to leave weird tracks)!


Keith Hammer found the remains of what appeared to be a Canada 737 goose that had rapidly decompressed after blowing out a door plug!


Debra Schweitzer cheers us up with some Birds of Paradise she saw on her way to . . .


. . . the Grand Canyon!


Pam Willison found some color along Flathead Lake in these Willow trees and . . .


. . . Keith Hammer found some green-up in a pasture nearby, which would be a welcome sight if it weren't still February!


In our parting shot, Colleen Semple caught what appears to be either a UFO landing or folks escaping climate change by being beamed up to one!

If you have interesting photos of your outings, send them along with a description to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) and we'll try to work them into these weekly reports!

This article published on February 24, 2024 • [Permalink]