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Swan Rangers Enjoy Fruits of Non-Labor!

Ripe Chokecherries by Ruth Quist.

Swan Rangers enjoyed the fruits of their non-labor, atmospheric phenomenon and other cool stuff during their outings this past week!

Click here or scroll down for the Rangers' photos and details!

Ruth Quist leads us off with photos of ripe Chokecherries, above, and . . .


. . . ripening Mountain ash berries.


Keith Hammer found Devil's club berries ripening while . . .


. . . Matt Collister provides photographic proof that his daughter really loves Huckleberries!


Pam Willison found Teasel maturing and . . .


. . . provides us some atmospheric perspective on the Mission Mountains!


Keith Hammer saw a full moon rising through a smokey sky, then . . .


. . . hiked most of the way there to get a close-up shot!


Lynn Smith shows us a Mountain goat that managed to totally shed his winter coat and . . .


. . . an American dipper emerging from a cool dip!


Pat Jaquith shows us a Yellow-rumped warbler willing to take a dip most anywhere to cool down and . . .


. . . in our parting shot, saves the cutest bird for last with this Turkey vulture!

If you have interesting photos of your outings, send them along with a description to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) and we'll try to work them into these weekly reports!

This article published on August 05, 2023 • [Permalink]