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Swan Rangers Encounter Weather Extremes!

Late afternoon shaddows by Norma Linsky.

Swan Rangers encountered weather from snowy to muggy during their outings this past week!

Click here or scroll down for the Rangers' photos and details!

In our lead photo, Norma Linsky captures sun, snow, vertical, and horizontal!


Dee Blank's photo reminds us that Winter began in NW Montana a week and a half ago while . . .


. . . Linda Anderson documented the air inversion that kept the Flathead Valley under clouds for a week!


Debra Schwietzer celebrated the return of the sun with a walk around her neighborhood and a good look at the Swan Range . . .


. . . as did Keith Hammer with a couple shots of the Swan Range . . .


. . . noting the snow is not yet deep enough to cover the tall brush on the hillsides!


Pam Willison's photo of a Resplendent quetzal, however, reminds us things are a bit warmer and more colorful in Costa Rica . . .


. . . even if it rains enough that these leaves are called "Poor Man's Umbrella" and are used as such by locals in times of need!


Pat Jaquith migrated to Costa Rica also and sent in photos of a Flame-colored tanager . . .


. . . a Yellow-thighed finch and . . .


. . . a Rufous-collared sparrow gathering nesting material!


Ruth Quist brings us back to Montana with this photo of a Northern flicker!


And, in our parting shot, Keith Hammer captures a Grouse crossing the road to . . . . . . get to the other side!

If you have interesting photos of your outings, send them along with a description to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) and we'll try to work them into these weekly reports!

This article published on November 19, 2022 • [Permalink]