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Swan Rangers Study Sun and Snow!

Swan Crest by Keith Hammer

Swan Rangers studied the nuances in sun and snow during their outings this past week!

Click here or scroll down for the Rangers' photos and details!

In our lead photo, Keith Hammer enjoyed the subtleties of snow and clouds and a little blue sky.


Keith found good skiing that same day . . .


. . . as did Chris Gotschalk a couple days later with fresh snow and more falling from the sky!


Norma Linsky found good skiing on an outright sunny day and . . .


. . . Pam Willison found sun poking through Hemlock trees where . . .


. . . Snowshoe hares like to hang out!


Ruth Quist captured the full moon in spite of cloudy skies!


Christin Rzasa found a pair of bald eagles among the subdued colors of Winter in northwest Montana.


In another Costa Rica flashback, Pat Jaquith reminds us there are still bright colors in the world with her photos of a Lesson's motmot . . .


. . . Golden-hooded tanager . . .


. . . and a Yellow-throated toucan!


And, in our parting shot, Keith shows us sunset color cast upon the Swan Crest!

If you have interesting photos of your outings, send them along with a description to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) and we'll try to work them into these weekly reports!

This article published on December 10, 2022 • [Permalink]