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Swan Rangers Still Ranging Around!

Aspen and blue sky by Keith Hammer.

Swan Rangers were again scattered far and wide during their outings the past week!

Click here or scroll down for the Rangers' photos and details!

In our lead photo, Keith Hammer reminds us that Fall colors are still upon us here in the northern hemisphere!


Marylin Wood found beauty and Fall colors in Waterton National Park, where the 2017 Kenow Fire opened up the views but . . .


. . . also left some places as they were!


Debra Schweitzer's photo in Glacier National Park show that, while broad leaf trees have changed colors, the Larch trees have only just begun to do so!


Dee Blank took this shot of the Mission Mountains from the Swan Crest after the Forest Service set prescribed fire in the Swan Valley.


Dee's view to the north was less smoky but littered with mountain goats!


Christin Rzasa shows us a buck deer trying to blend into its surroundings while . . .


. . . Keith Hammer shows us a Mantis doing the same!


Ruth Quist visited the Oregon coast, where she found . . .


. . . a "succulent on a rock!"


Pat Jaquith and her grandson headed out early to watch Sandhill cranes lift off for a day of foraging. She says it was a "honk fest!"


Our parting shot, Dee Blank's photo reminds us that we all cast shadows, so we'd just as well cast happy ones!

If you have interesting photos of your outings, send them along with a description to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) and we'll try to work them into these weekly reports!

This article published on October 23, 2022 • [Permalink]