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Swan Rangers Ponder Life Eternal

Fog and clouds in Glacier Park by Nancy Cohn.

Swan Rangers ponder life eternal through their photographs of recent outings and the loss of a dear friend.

Click here or scroll down for the Rangers' photos and details!

Nancy Cohn's lead photo portends a change in the seasons, as do . . .


. . . Keith Hammer's photo of Brown's Gulch and . . .


. . . Norma Linsky's shot of Glacier Park!


Life springs eternal from beneath a cedar tree in Krause Basin in this Keith Hammer photo.


He also captured a multi-generational group hug around a big cedar and . . .


. . . similar admiration for a very large Red belted conk!


Ruth Quist's photo reminds us that life is about a lot more than just trying to get our ducks in a row!


Linda Miller provided this photo of her spouse, Brian Peck, who passed away Sunday. Brian was a long-time member of Swan View Coalition, a dedicated advocate for life both wild and domestic, and will be sorely missed. We will write more about Brian in Swan View's Coalition's next newsletter.

This article published on November 13, 2021 • [Permalink]