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Swan Rangers Hike Krause Basin!

Rangers at South Krause Creek. (Keith Hammer photos)

Eight Swan Rangers hiked a loop in Krause Basin on a damp-turned-sunny-before-more-thundershowers-arrive Saturday, August 10, 2019!

They opted to check out the little stuff and stay off the high ridges with lightning in the forecast!


Rangers "stop to smell the roses" . . .


. . . in this instance, checking out moss growing on thick cottonwood bark!


Lots of berries are ripening, like these devil's club . . .


. . . red osier dogwood . . .


. . . and wild raspberries!


The Rangers learned a new fern called rattlesnake fern!


Other plants are maturing, like this pine drops . . .


. . . pearly everlasting . . .


. . . and trail plant that grows little sticky barbs on its seeds so they can hitch a ride on your socks and pant legs!


The Swan Rangers meet every Saturday at the Echo Lake Cafe for breakfast at 7:30, leaving at 8:30 for a partial day outing in the northern Swan Mountains and foothills.

They carpool from the Swan River School parking lot next to the Cafe.

When hiking in bear country, remember to carry bear spray and avoid the 3-D's: dawn, dusk, and darkness.

Everyone is welcome!

This article published on August 10, 2019 • [Permalink]