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Swan Rangers Klear Krause!

Whittling away with hand tools! (Keith Hammer photos)

Seven Swan Rangers cleared fallen trees from trails in Krause Basin on a sunny Saturday, October 12, 2019!

Big windstorms the past two weeks blew a lot of trees down. Since 2011, Swan Rangers in Service have pitched in 1,054 hours of trail maintenance via a volunteer agreement with the Swan Lake Ranger District!

Yikes! Take your pick!


Nice firewood, if you want to pack it out on your back!


There's ice on the creeks and . . .


. . . frost growing up out of the ground!


Puffballs attempting to eat a rock; poke them and they'll spit spores at you!


Autumn light and plenty of seed!


The Swan Rangers meet every Saturday at the Echo Lake Cafe for breakfast at 7:30, leaving at 8:30 for a partial day outing in the northern Swan Mountains and foothills.

They carpool from the Swan River School parking lot next to the Cafe.

When hiking in bear country, remember to carry bear spray and avoid the 3-D's: dawn, dusk, and darkness.

Everyone is welcome!

This article published on October 12, 2019 • [Permalink]